A: If you have reason to believe there is hidden mold but cannot visibly see any growth or damage and have concerns, then yes. If visible growth is evident and the extent of the damage is obvious it would be more appropriate to call a remediation company to perform the work and utilize our services for the clearance inspection.
A: Yes. An asbestos survey report signed by a certified asbestos consultant is required prior to any demolition or renovation regardless of build date. If no damage or planned renovation is occurring, then a survey is not required.
A: Insight Environmental only performs testing and consulting and does not perform remediation, abatement, or any cleanup services. There is a conflict of interest when the company that does the testing also performs the work.
A: A procedure 5 is a required cleanup plan for disturbed asbestos containing materials (Materials containing more than 1% asbestos). You will need one if you have a fire, flood, water damage, natural disaster, or any other situation where asbestos containing material is disturbed. Examples of situations needing a procedure 5 are, but not limited to: a ceiling collapse due to moisture intrusion, old, damaged sheet vinyl flooring being revealed when removing a top layer of flooring, a fire disturbing old duct wrap in an attic. Procedure 5’s are only required in South Coast Air Quality Management District’s jurisdiction. If your home resides in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, or San Bernardino counties then you are most likely in SCAQMD territory and subject to their regulations.
For more information go to: http://www.aqmd.gov/nav/about/jurisdiction
A: If your home was built prior to 1979 then there is a good chance you have lead containing materials in your home. The original ban in 1978 on lead paint only placed limits on the manufacturing and sale, not use. Households and home buyers with structures built on or shortly after that time may also need to consider their properties at risk for lead. Lead can also be in the glaze of ceramic tiles, sinks, tubs, and toilets. If you are concerned about lead in your home, it is best to get it tested.
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